Tuesday 13 March 2012

Change is as good as a holiday, or so they say

Over the last few days I have debating with myself whether or not to write this blog. I decided that by reaching out to you, my customers, followers, friends and readers, that I just might be able to help someone.

At the end of 2010 I started to to suffer from chronic panic attacks and anxiety which spiraled into terrible depression. I haven't been able to work a proper "job" since.  When I first started Ruby Rebel Couture, it was for me to have a distraction from the thoughts going around in my head all day.

 I grew up with a mother who sewed, she has had a few very successful businesses throughout her life, however I had no interest in following in her footsteps. Then at the beginning of last year, something just clicked inside me and strangely I just knew how to sew. Very bizarre!

My wonderful Mother & I

Anyway, the success of Ruby Rebel was completely unexpected and  I started to get flooded with orders and interest from retailers to stock my handmade goods.  Throughout the year, unfortunately my mental illness started to take more of a hold of me. I have had changes in medications, ups and downs in my moods and unfortunately, a very unwelcome weight gain. All of a sudden it became extremely hard for me to catch up with my orders, which was bringing me down as well. The cycle would just continue day in, day out.

The first order I received when I started 

As I've mentioned in previous posts, the last few months have been very busy with moving house and the passing of my grandmother, among other things that have popped up over the way. Unfortunately, when you battle a mental illness, the smallest things that come up along the way can seem monumental. After hitting a huge wall a couple of weeks ago, which I would see as my breaking point, I made the decision that I need to change the direction of not only Ruby Rebel but also my life.

At this time I need to put more focus in getting myself better. I have made a conscience to surround myself with people and things that make me happy. I have recently been given the great advice that each day you should do something that gives you a sense of enjoyment and one that gives you a sense of achievement, so that's what I am doing.

Having these 2 in my life makes my days brighter

I will be slowing down on the pre-sale orders that I do and focusing my energies on doing market stalls and having things ready to sell.

So, the point of this blog is to reach out to you all. Perhaps there is one of you, if not a few that suffer from the horrible black dog. I just want you to know you aren't alone and to say - TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

If you ever need to talk to someone, my email is info@rubyrebelcouture.com

Till next time, hopefully a happier time,
Lizey xx

Sunday 26 February 2012

Make Do & Mend

As you would know from my last post, my husband and I moved into our new home last month. A cute weatherboard bungalow with art deco accents throughout. We are settled into our new abode and have been slowly weeding the garden and doing all those things you does, that make a house a home.

Just before we moved I sadly lost my Grandmother to cancer. Although she had been sick for a while it was still a shock when it happened. I had to travel back to New South Wales for her funeral and to help my mother try and sort through 40 years of things she had collected. I was fortunate enough to inherit some lovely vintage and retro goodies, including costume jewellery from the 50s & 60s and a retro hairdryer and hot curler set. I also was given a couple of 1960s shift dresses, something no one else in my family had any interest in keeping.

Now, my Grandmother was somewhat of a hoarder. In all my mother was at her house for 5 weeks trying to sift through all of these treasures and there is even more to still go through. Everything thing had to be picked up, looked at and decide whether it would be kept, donated or thrown away. Often I would pick up a plastic bag thinking it was rubbish only to discover that it was filled with photos. During this archaeological dig through my family’s past I discovered pin up photos of my Grandmother that she has taken to send to my Grandfather during the Korean War in the early 1950s. I was blown away by her beauty; it was a side of her I had never seen before.

                                                 My Grandmother the Pin Up Girl circa 1952

As much as her passing has saddened me, it has also been a bit of an awakening. Seeing all these things that she had collected over the years and how well they have aged got me thinking about the legacy that I will be leaving behind for my Grandchildren. 

These days we are filled with a world of plastic, finance deals, upgrades and mass marketed STUFF. I have to confess that sometimes I often to drawn into the idea of getting something “new”. I get the overwhelming desire to go out and spend my hard earn cash on something that will temporarily satisfy me. I get my new gadget or life saving device and within a few weeks its sitting listlessly in the corner collecting dust, eventually meeting their demise to the weekly rubbish collection. It’s a scary thought how much STUFF has met a similar bitter end.

So when we moved into our new dream home I started looking around and seeing all the things that I have often thought about upgrading or trading in for new; our bedroom furniture, dining table set & even the desk that I use to write this very blog. After a bit of thinking I picked colours and set off for bunnings to buy the tools I needed to give these things a new lease on life. So far I have painted the dressing table (spoken about in my last blog), bed side tables, bed and next on the list is the dining set, which I am thinking will look fantastic in red!

Hot Pink Dressing Table!

                                                                 Hot Pink Chair

These projects have been taking up my weekends over the past month. I get such a great feeling of satisfaction when I look at the finish product and know that not only have saved hundreds of dollars on upcycling my existing furniture, but with a bit of luck and care, some of these things will follow us throughout our lives and may end up with our children or even grandchildren.

These Photos do no justice to these bed side tables and bed. The colour is what I would describe as Tiffany Blue. Slightly on the greener side.

Let’s face it, contentment is free. Money can’t buy it, nor can you finance interest free for 50 months! I look forward to more projects to make do and mend

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Home is where the heart is.

What a better way to start the New Year, than with a new home! Last week on the day before Christmas Eve, we received the news that we have been approved for a gorgeous weatherboard house. When I went to inspect the place, I fell in love immediately! As I stood outside waiting for the real estate agent, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. It was the place of my dreams, with rose bushes out the front to boot!

                                                                  Our New Home!

Since we still have a week til we move, I can't stop mentally furnishing each room and imagining myself in this new life. I have started the awful but necessary process of throwing out and donating junk, and packing up the last 2 years of our life.

4 years ago my now husband and I moved into our first apartment together. As I had been living in various share houses over the years I had collected bits and pieces, but not enough to furnish a 2 bedroom apartment. We made the obligatory pilgrimage to Ikea to pick up the bits and pieces we needed. Over the first year we slowly accumulated the things we needed. But it was mainly out of necessity that we bought the furniture we now have. A lot of the things we own don't really represent the people we are. There is a lot of wood in our home!

I have decided to up cycle and unleash my inner shabby chic - er in my new home. The lucky thing about a lot of our things is that its wood. My first project will be to do something to my dressing table that my husband found for me on the side of the road when we first moved to Melbourne. Its seen better days, but I think there is still some life in this baby!

The exciting thing about moving in to an older style house is that it has character. Once you move in, you start
to blend in your character, style and taste. Now, I don't know if its that I am getting older, but my taste and style are beginning to change. If someone would have said to me that I would be thinking of adding a Shabby Chic element to my home, I would have laughed in their face! But here I am fantasing about the various things I can do our new abode to incorporate Florals, mexican style soft furnishings with a mix of 1950's kitsch. It can be done, right?

These Mexican Sarapes add a wild splash of colour and warmth! 
Available to order from Ruby Rebel Couture

I think the styles that my interest me the most are those that have rich patterns and vibrant colours. I love the idea of mixing and cross breeding different elements to make your own statement in your home. And of course, using the things you may already own to do this. It is so easy to get caught up in the idea of going out and buying new things when you move into a new place. I know I have been guilty of doing this on more than one occasion. This time around, I am looking to the blogs and internet for ideas and inspiration. 

I found this on my search for inspiration, I just love the mix of patterns and colours. 

So as I finish this post to head off to bed for what will undoubtedly will be another dream filled night of soft furnishings, I leave you with this thought. Why not start 2012 with a fresh start, for you and your home. Take the time to look around your home and see what could do with a "freshen up" or face lift.

Until next time Rebels! ( Of course from my new weatherboard palace) 

Tuesday 22 November 2011

First Blog!

Welcome to the life and times of a self confessed tattoo collector, handbag obsess-or and all round lover of all the lovely things that you get by being a woman.

As the year draws closer to another one starting, its got me thinking about New Year's resolutions. Each year I seem to make myself the same promises which I inevitability end up breaking with in the first week. There seems to be something about New Year's that makes us all feel like we will be forgiven for our sins of the previous year. For my 2012, I'm thinking about making some Resolutions worth keeping - fashion inspired ones.

For many years I used to dream of a wardrobe filled with lovely 1950s inspired Pin Up clothing, shoes and handbags. This year I started my collection of clothing and shoes - the handbags were already on their way! For 2012 I am thinking a little outside the box for my resolutions. I want to make a promise to leave the house feeling confident and beautiful in my own skin. Let's face it, who doesn't feel their best when they are wearing their favourite shade of red lipstick, or with a few curls through their hair.  Of course, I believe that beauty is on the inside. This being said, if you are feeling good on the outside, that beauty will radiate!  My first resolution - always leave the house like you are going to bump into the one person you don't want to!

Now, that clothing collection I was taking about before. I have some lovely pieces by Bettie Page Clothing, Pin Up Girl Clothing & collectif - just to name a few & all available from Ruby Rebel Couture. As much as I ADORE the pieces I do own, I can't help but feel pangs of guilt about the lack of local designers hanging next to my leopard print couture. There is something ultra special about having something handmade. I only have a couple of pieces - 2 skirts made by myself for Ruby Rebel Couture & my gorgeous 1930s silk taffeta Wedding dress my mum made for my wedding day. In 2012 I need to change this. I have been eyeing off items from Hot Couture, Peta Pledger & Hellpixie for months now! Why don't I have these in my wardrobe yet? Resolution number 2 - Buy more local designer clothes.

                                   I LOVE this Peta Pledger Dress ! Photo by Helen McLean

Hmm, these Resolution seems pretty easy to keep. I may as well add a third, as third ones a charm - as they say,

I would say that i am like most women when it comes to my handbag. Perhaps not in the enormity of my collection - I honestly own dozens - but more so in the contents that I carry around in my handbag. If I didn't know any better I would say I was preparing for a zombie apocalypse. Why do I need 3 clear lip glosses in my bag or an empty water bottle & business cards from every shop I go into? The answer to this question is I don't. Its time to go on a handbag diet. No more shoulder breaking weight being carried around for no reason. Its time to switch from tote to clutch and downsize the unnecessary clutter on my arm. Resolution three - ditch the bag bulk!  

                           Downsizing in style. Lux De Ville Lucky Me Leopard Print Kisslock.
                                    Available from the Ruby Rebel Couture Facebook

So Rebels, what fashion resolutions will you make for 2012?  I look forward to hearing from you all & hope you enjoyed my first blog.

Till next time!
Vegas Van Cartier for Ruby Rebel Couture